The medical perspective of cupping therapy. Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of cups.Being a therapist I will share knowledge and my experiences.


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Hijama in islam


In the Middle East, many different nations use cupping for treating inflammation. Cupping is known as hejama or hijama in Arabic, which translates as “to restore to basic size” or “to diminish in volume.” The founder of Islam, Muhammad (SAW) was known to be an advocate of cupping and even mentioned it throughout his writings. Muhammad (SAW)  wrote about cupping locations for the treatment of different pain-related diseases. Other Islamic medical texts also describe the best time to do cupping, what to eat or avoid eating before or after cupping, and how to diagnose based on cupping marks.Iranian traditional medicine uses cupping to eliminate scar tissue and holds the belief that it cleanses the internal organs.

hijama therapy

Various Hadiths confirms that it is Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It was the common procedure done by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and his fellows to treat the wide range of diseases. Unfortunately, Hijama was a forgotten Sunnah for a long time. But now because of its benefits, it is taking place as a common procedure to get cure from ailments. Wet cupping is now taking the place of allopathic treatment in various cultures across the globe. We Muslims must get benefit from it as our Prophet had told its benefits centuries ago which is now confirmed by Science also. 

List Of Authentic Narrations About Hijama - Cupping Therapy

authentic narrations about hijama

Cupping is the Best of Remedies

“If there is something excellent to be used as a remedy, then it is Hijama Cupping”.
Reported by Abu Huraira.[Sunan Ibn Maajah]


The Prophet (PBUH) explained that Hijama is one of the best medicines: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is Hijama, or it is one of the best of your medicines,” or “The best treatment you can use is Hijama.” [Sahih Bukhari Hadith-No: 5371]

“The best treatment is cupping, it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpen the eyesight”. [Al–Hakim 4/212, At-Tirmidhi Hadith No: 3053]

In Hijama there is a Cure

The Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) also said: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the Hijama therapist, or a drink of honey or cauterization with fire, but I do not like to be cauterized.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith No: 2205]

Jaabir ibn Abdullah y reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim hadith No: 5706].

Best Days for Hijama

Abu Hurairah(r.a) reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan Abu Dawud Hadith No: 3861].

* Hijama can be performed on any day or date but except Wednesdays.

Whether its an islamic dates of  (17,19.21), please having Hijama on Wednesdays. Its not recommendable.

Shab-e-Meraj - The Night of Power(Angels Recommended Hijama - Cupping)

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (SAWS) said, “I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me: Upon you is cupping (hijama), O Muhammad.” [Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No:3477].

In the narration reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allaah be pleased with him) the angels said, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama).” [At-Tirmidhi].

The Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said,” Jibrail (AS) repeatedly emphasized upon me to resort to cupping to the extent that I feared that cupping will be made compulsory.”

Hijama - Cupping done on Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

*Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (SAWS) was treated with cupping (hijama) three times on the two veins at the side of the neck and the base of the neck. [Saheeh Sunan abi Dawud (3860), Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3483].

*Ibn al-Qaiyum (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions that the Messenger (PBUH) was cupped on his head when he was afflicted with magic and that it is from the best of cures for this if performed correctly. [Zaad al Ma’aad (4/125-126)].

*Jaabir ibn Abdullah y reported that the Messenger (PBUH) fell from his horse onto the trunk of a palm tree and dislocated his foot. Waki’  said, “Meaning the Messenger (PBUH) was cupped on (his foot) for bruising.” [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (2807)].

*Anas narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) used to have Hijama done on the veins on the side of the neck and the upper back. [At Tirmidhi]

*Abdullah ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger (SAW) was cupped on his head for
a unilateral headache while he was in Ihraam. [Sahih al-Bukhari (5701)].

*Jaabir ibn Abdullah reported that the Messenger (SAW) was treated with cupping
(hijama) on his hip for a pain in that area. [Sahih Sunan abi Dawud (3863)].

*Abdullah ibn ‘Umar reported that the Messenger (PBUH) used to cup his head and
would call it (the place at the top of the head) “Umm Mugheeth.” [Saheehah (753),
Sahih al-Jaami’ (4804)].

The Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) praised a person who performs cupping, saying it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight. The above quoted Hadith is clear that cupping was practiced by The Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) himself and strongly recommended by him.

*Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) was treated with cupping, and he paid the cupper his fee.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 10/124; Muslim 1202).

Hijama Procedure

You might be wondering How Hijama is performed? Is it painful? No, Hijama is the non-invasive procedure which involves the application of cups (glass or plastic) on specific points which corresponds to specific illnesses. These cups create negative pressure. Due to this vacuum inside, the blood gathers due to negative pressure under the superficial skin. After pooling of blood, the cupping experts remove the cups and make the small vertical incision over the skin where blood pools due to the vacuum effect of cups. Cups are applied again to the same points. The blood starts to ooze out due to vacuum through the incisions. After the blood seeps out the cups are removed, and the expert cleans the area.

hijama in islam

The main mechanism by which Cupping works in treating illnesses is that the blood which comes out contains toxins. As cupping removes toxin containing blood from the circulation, it gives place to fresh and healthy blood to circulate. The blood which is pulled outtakes with it all the disease-causing toxins. Ultimately, you will feel alleviation in the disease symptoms.


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