The medical perspective of cupping therapy. Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of cups.Being a therapist I will share knowledge and my experiences.


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Effects of Cupping Therapy

    Effects of Cupping Therapy

 Today I will be discussing the benefits and effects of cupping therapy on our body. This is a low risk therapy, meaning it has no side effects on anybody. If it’s performed by a qualified therapist, who is maintaining the hygienic atmosphere for patients…


Let’s dive into the effects of cupping therapy!!!

Purification of blood through Cupping Therapy & Effects of cupping therapy on circulatory system…

Among the general effects, through cupping therapy, the most important is the effect upon the circulatory system. This therapy has much in common with the skin-stimulating therapies. As the vacuum or negative pull is generated, the flow of blood in the arteries and veins increases, although in the case of the latter, localized spots of congested blood appear and then disappear. It is possible to ease the interruption of blood circulation and congestion and to stop the inflammatory, escaping of body fluids such as blood from the tissues. Therefore, this therapy facilitates the flow of blood, which is one of the most important characteristics of this cupping therapy. This therapy is more beneficial for hardened arteries, stiff shoulders, cervical and sciatica pain, etc.

For example: Dr Katase of Osaka University suggests that “this therapy may influence the composition of blood: it may also help in increasing red and white blood cells and can change acid blood into alkaline or neutral condition.”

This leads to the purification of blood, providing a boost of energy…

My Opinion…


   As a therapist, I’m aware of the fact that for the mechanism to start functioning properly, a fresh flow of oxygen-rich blood is necessary at the site of the affliction. I believe that cupping therapy either it’s Wet Cupping (Hijama) or Massage Cupping, is the perfect medium to do just that!!

Effects of Cupping Therapy on Nervous System…

Cupping therapy is effective in stimulating the sensory nerves of the skin. This stimulation of cupping therapy can be considered as a good influence not only on the autonomic nervous system alone but also on various organs under its control. Cupping therapy, whether it’s wet or massage therapy, they both are effective against the so-called syndrome of general malaise, such as chronic headaches, 
dizziness, languor (mental or physical tiredness), stiff shoulders, fatigue, etc. etc.

 These are all said to be derived from anxiety, worry and bodily pain. It is also effective against endogenous chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, neuralgia and rheumatism.

My Experience…

patient relaxing during cupping therapy
patient relaxing during cupping therapy 

  During treatment with this therapy, I have seen patients fall asleep, snoring loudly and relaxing their body. This clearly shows one of the effects upon the nervous system. The mechanism of its effectiveness will soon be clarified to the patients who experience it. The general and localized effects of this therapy strengthen the healing power against diseases and, together with a healthy diet, psychotherapy and exercises; we can cure or prevent disease completely.

“All cupping methods provide benefits to our nervous system.”

Cupping therapy is an ancient therapy, following a few thousand years of use, development and perfection, has been now increasingly accepted and encouraged by a variety of cultures and people around the globe. Its application is so extensive, its efficacy is extremely good, its cost is minimal, and it’s an easy application and one of the safest processes. This Therapy works without any adverse side-effects, which is resulted and assured by many qualified practitioners, those who have introduced cupping therapy into their practices.

       Cupping therapy is suitable for the treatment of pains, weakness of the muscles, sports injuries, high blood pressure, Bi syndromes, inflammatory conditions, diseases of the digestive, circulatory and respiratory systems, some skin conditions such as boils and eczema, wind-stroke (facial paralysis), the common cold, emotional conditions and cosmetic purposes such as treating cellulite and during weight-loss programmes. 

And the list goes on… 

My Opinion…

My personal opinion is that cupping, whether it’s wet, dry or massage cupping, is the most powerful complementary medicine tool to fight against any sort of injuries or any health issues.

Cupping: the Multi-function Therapy…

Cupping therapy has a multi-function action. For instance, it can treat any pain, improve your metabolism, improve blood microcirculation, and activate the lymphatic system and eliminating the toxin from the body, tone up the skin, enhancing complexion and remove pathogenic factors such as Wind, Heat or Cold, all at the same time!

Isn’t that amazing!!!

Effects of Cupping Therapy on Immune System…

As a direct result of increased circulation as described above, the lymphatic system is also excited and stimulated. The extra activity of the lymphatic system results in improved lymphatic drainage and the elimination of waste matter, reinforcing the entire immune system. These obvious physical benefits of cupping therapy unsurprisingly bring about mental and emotional rest and calmness, leaving the patient feeling light, uplifted and distressed.            

This therapy gives an extra boost to the immune system in order to increase the body’s defense mechanism and it also protects the person from external pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, damp and heat.

Like I said...

“Nothing moves Qi and Blood faster than cupping!!”

Followers of Islam…

As a Muslim we must experience this cupping therapy (Hijama) because it’s our sunnah treatment. For Islamic followers this therapy is also considered as  forgotten sunnah. I believe one must seek health benefits from this sunnah therapy, with a firm belief that this therapy was being informed and also performed by our Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “The best thing with which you can treat illnesses is cupping.”


“Indeed in Cupping, there is a cure.” {Saheeh Muslim (5706)} 

 Share your Thoughts and Experiences…

For any queries feel free to comment below!

 My Introduction…

By profession, I am a graduated & qualified Cupping Therapist from Singapore and London(UK). This therapy works like a miracle for many of my patients. I perform my practices in a hygienic atmosphere daily, at the location mentioned below.

             The Cupping clinic (Hijama)

199 gulshan Iqbal block 3 Near KDA market, Block 3 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi, 75300 Pakistan

The Cupping clinic (Hijama)

The Cupping clinic (Hijama)



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