The medical perspective of cupping therapy. Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin with the application of cups.Being a therapist I will share knowledge and my experiences.


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Benefits of Hijama Cupping Therapy

 Cupping therapy is successful in treating many health conditions

It is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine practice that, helps you in getting rid of pain, improves circulation, overcomes bronchitis and a number of other health conditions
I'll be covering today. Nowadays cupping therapy is getting popular. Several years ago when Olympic athletes including Michael Phelps and other Olympic swimmers started doing this, which really support recovery. *Cupping therapy basically decompresses soft tissues using vacuum suction, it’s not like other forms of therapy that compresses soft tissues. During cupping, the cup gently sucks the skin and lifts underlying soft tissue into the cup.
benefits of hijama cupping therapy

There are many benefits of Hijama or
cupping therapy.
  • The negative pressure provided by the cupping therapy can loosen muscles improve blood circulation and sedate the nervous system which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure.
  • Cupping therapy is used to relieve back and neck pain stiff muscles and anxiety, fatigue migraines rheumatism and even centered light it cleanses and detoxifies the body aids relaxation improves blood circulation and growth.
  • It clears blockages improves digestion gives instant pain relief corrects hormonal imbalances refreshes mind body and soul removes toxic blood and many more. benefits of hijama cupping therapy

Who can benefit?
Almost anyone can benefit from cupping. It is widely used to treat lack of mobility, tight muscles, scars and diagnoses like headaches, tendinitis, bursitis, planter fascitis, fibromyalogia and releases of trigger points.
Personal Experience • It helps in reducing pain, I'll give example for myself personally, the first time I ever went to an cupping therapist, one of the reasons I went for was because I had this muscle spasm in the back of my shoulder. And I've experienced other therapies and nothing seems to help. I got cupping done after which, I was able to move the area easily.
So let's dive right in and gain awareness about the benefits of cupping. Among few of them, may surprise you • What happens in cupping? Is it really, amazing!!! Cupping benefits are the following:
benefits of hijama cupping therapy Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions Reduce painful trigger points Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation Relieve pain Headaches, Period Pain, Injuries, Asthma, Cellulite, Anemia,
Depression, Emotional problems, Sciatica Weight loss
Promote mobility and range of motionImproves mature scarsRheumatic diseasesArthritisChronic Fatigue SyndromeChest and heart diseasesGastrointestinal diseasesUrinary diseasesDermatologic diseasesPsychological diseasesInfectious diseasesIt improves immunityCure for black magic / jinn possessionCures insomniaImproves memory and eye sight It really promotes relaxation and prevents lethargic. I talked about that earlier. If you ever get pain and tension in your shoulder areas or upper back area this is a great therapy to use. It's kind of like a deep tissue massage to where it really sort of pulls in that muscle and when it lets go, that muscle completely relaxes. It promote relaxation especially for shoulder tension It really boosts skin health. So if you have an area of your skin that's not getting enough blood flow or didn't get enough, cupping can bring blood to the area. That area regenerate and heal through the power of plasma and platelets. It’s much like a therapy called PRP, platelet rich plasma. Six to seven percent of your blood is really high in healing and growth factors, it is kind of a similar thing here, we're getting that blood to the area to support healing. If somebody has a stagnant skin condition, even things like eczema and psoriasis, they can use this in certain cases as well Now another really common practice with cupping is using it to support respiratory issues and colds. Cups will be placed to the upper back and middle back area right where your lungs .What that does is it really helps improve circulation of the lungs and really moving stagnation. When you have bronchitis or any type of respiratory issue or cold. You may have mucus or phlegm just in the lungs.Cupping helps in breaking that up and really helps in increasing that flow and that circulation in your lungs. This helps you in recovering from a cold and flu more quickly. It can relieve digestive trouble. Your body should always be moving and have a strong blood flow and digestive motility. Your liver should be releasing bile and cleansing and detoxing. If your body is stagnant, your body is not able to full heal. Using cupping therapy in different areas, really support the stomach, the small intestine, the colon in moving can actually really help the body in healing, that's another big benefit of cupping. So, these were some of the benefits of cupping therapy or hijama, there are lot more you could benefit from it.

After Effects of Cupping
You'll notice some sort of black and blue marks on different areas of the body and that's what cupping therapy does. It brings fresh blood, platelets and enhance growth factors, to an area improving circulation. It moves blood and increases growth factors from one area to another supporting that area in healing process. So let's talk about What Cupping is specifically.
Cupping uses suction cups. Now today, people use a plastic cup but traditionally, glass was always used. In glass cupping a lighter of some sort or flame is just put it in the glass for a second, then pull it off and then put it right down on the skin. It will create a sucking action, where the skin is brought up in the area and then blood flow started going to the area.
Now think about this, if you would ever, sprained an ankle, what will tend to happen is you'll notice that there will be swelling and oftentimes there is bruising, right? So blood flow goes to an area. Cupping is none of that inflammation that happens in a sprained ankle but it is moving of blood from one area to another and we all know that blood is full of plasma,it's full of growth factors that actually help the area of the body heal.
Cupping therapy is essential as it improves circulation to an area and also improves blood, bringing blood to an area to support it in the healing process. This can be done over and over again causing no harm to your body. • Here's a few things to know about different types of Cupping.
* Number one, you can do dry cupping or Wet cupping. Now this is the cupping that I've personally used most often. * Now dry cupping, they'll typically put the cup in one area and leave it there.
* In Wet cupping toxic is removed from the body, by giving incisions over different points.
* Now in moving cupping, this act evens more like a massage and this can be very good for muscular tension. A cup is placed on the area, not just to leave it on any one specific area. They'll continually move it around, allowing a larger area to receive those benefits. This is a very good especially for people with muscle spasm and tight tendons.
cupping vs acupuncture
cupping vs acupuncture

Now cupping vs acupuncture. Again, both are part of Chinese medicine. Both can promote optimal chi. If you see somebody who's kind of worn out and feel tired all the time, that person is considered in low chi. And If somebody is really bright eyed, you know those people, they're just sort of glowing, they're full of energy, it's overflowing, They would say in Chinese medicine that person has a lot of chi. It's just a lot of energy. Both draw energy and blood flow from different areas of the body, helping in fighting disease. Both promote relaxation, boost energy, and relieve tension.
Acupuncture uses needles to really improve circulation and movement in the body, whereas cupping is doing it with the cups.
Acupuncture is dry and it penetrates in the skin where cupping does not.

* Hijama or cupping therapy is a painless and a drug-less procedure there is no pain involved during the therapy or after the therapy.
benefits of hijama cupping therapy

Now here's some precautions.
cupping precautions
* Avoid cupping to an area where you have any skin infection. Don't move cup to that area, otherwise it might spread infection throughout the body.
* Cupping is not recommended for pregnant women, just be overly cautious there.
* Cupping is a safe and secure practice but one must find a well-trained licensed practitioner. That person must be an acupuncturist or a certified cupping therapist, whether it's an athletic trainer or somebody who does this and who has been properly trained.

* Therapy under no circumstances will be continued if the patient has any discomfort.Therapy is done only utter thresholds the patient is comfortable with. • So here are the major benefits of cupping therapy and where you may consider using it.
• If you have chronic pain in an area especially muscular or tension in tendon.It Promotes relaxation,boosts skin health. It improve respiratory issues especially if you have a lot of stagnation in the lungs and release digestive trouble. This is a practice that's literally been done for thousands of years, and has great benefits to your body's own blood and to improve healing and circulation in an area, • It's just incredible it works well and I have used this in my practice. I use it very often we on our patient,
list of benefits of hijama are way too long, so I have just summarised few of them

Do try it, to experience it!!!

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